At Rex, we have matched New York’s vision with our own.
Learning to code is comparable to learning reading, writing, and math for this generation. Rex makes this process easy and enjoyable for all!
In 2018, the New York state Legislature passed, and the Governor signed into law required the New York State Education Department (NYSED) to create a workgroup and present draft NYS K-12 Computer Science Learning Standards to the Commissioner of Education and the Board of Regents for approval. New York is preparing all of their students to live and work in a dynamic, technology-driven 21st-Century world.
“Technology is a large part of children’s lives, and the ability to understand and use technology safely and effectively to learn, communicate and create is critical for 21st century life, work and civic engagement,” Board of Regents Vice Chancellor T. Andrew Brown said. “The COVID-19 emergency has magnified the digital divide that separates so many of our most vulnerable students from their peers. As the Board of Regents and the Department work to ensure that all students have access to a high-quality education, it’s critical that comprehensive technology learning is available to our youngest students and continues throughout their scholastic career.”
Source: New York Department of Education
At Rex, we have matched New York’s vision with our own.
Relevance and Engagement: The standards will motivate and empower students, allow for a focus on appropriate real-world challenges, and will prepare students to adapt and prosper in a world that is increasing influenced and shaped by technological advancements.
Coherence: The standards will be focused on the most important knowledge and skills that all students need to know. The standards will be clearly written, demonstrate vertical and horizonal alignment, and articulate a clear learning progression.
New York has five Core Computer Science Concepts:
Works at home, in class, and on Chromebooks.
Aligns with state and national education standards.
Built for schools. Private, simple, and secure.
No CS degree necessary. Optional teacher included.
Detailed reporting tools and auto-grading.
Real coding and real projects with realtime feedback.
Rex Academy courses are also aligned to the following standards
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