At Rex, we have matched Utah’s vision with our own.
Learning to code is comparable to learning reading, writing, and math for this generation. Rex makes this process easy and enjoyable for all!
Utah adopted K-5 computer science standards in 2019 and 6 – 12 computer science standards in 2020. The standards are contained within each grade band and their focus is to address equity and accessibility issues in Utah.
“Each student in secondary public schools will have access to robust and varied computer science courses by 2022. All students will enter secondary schools with exposure to computational thinking and competencies in digital literacy. This begins in our elementary schools with competencies in keyboarding, appropriate and responsible use of technology, and basic coding principles.”
Source: Utah Department of Education
At Rex, we have matched Utah’s vision with our own.
Utah does not yet require their districts to offer computer science in high school. Specific computer science courses in Utah may replace the final math credit towards graduation.
In Utah, computer science certification is attained with a combination of coursework and examinations.
Utah aligns quite well to CSTA standards and therefore has six core computer science concepts:
6 Core Concepts:
Works at home, in class, and on Chromebooks.
Aligns with state and national education standards.
Built for schools. Private, simple, and secure.
No CS degree necessary. Optional teacher included.
Detailed reporting tools and auto-grading.
Real coding and real projects with realtime feedback.
Rex Academy courses are also aligned to the following standards
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