Funding for Computer Science Education
Across the country, many tech companies face a similar problem: filling job vacancies. Despite computer science being one of the most in-demand fields, there continues to be a shortage of qualified candidates. As of December 2020, the global talent shortage amounted to 40 million skilled workers worldwide, according to U.S. Labor statistics. This is projected to rise to 85.2 million by 2030. Despite some progress, there is still much room for skill-building. Due to the rapidly changing digital world, it is imperative that all students, regardless of their socioeconomic background, have access to computer science training. For this to happen, leaders in education should actively seek funding to develop CS-based courses. By receiving these funds, more schools will be able to take advantage of cutting-edge computer science programs, like Rex K-12, stimulating students’ interest in the field and preparing them for the jobs of tomorrow.
Utilizing ESSER Funds
When the highly contagious virus, Covid-19, swept the globe two years ago, education systems were forced to switch to remote learning. Unfortunately, many schools did not have the necessary resources to transition to a virtual classroom environment. And quite frankly, some teachers didn’t have the technical competence to effectively instruct students using online platforms. Plus, low-income families lacked access to internet and electronic devices for their children to attend school. It further demonstrated the vital role that computer science plays in our everyday lives. As a result, the government launched the ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Education Relief ) fund. To counter the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. Department of Education provided state and local education agencies with financial relief. As part of this initiative, schools can still receive assistance to address COVID-related learning loss. As outlined on the U.S Department of Education’s website, the funds can be used to enhance accelerated learning opportunities and develop rigorous curricula. Additionally, funds might also be allocated to purchase educational technology (such as hardware, software, and connected devices) for students. The grant can also cover after-school and summer camp programs.
Additional Funding Resources
Budget cuts and financial constraints may cause some education leaders to question the affordability of computer science courses. Yet, grants from the federal and private sector are offered to boost STEM education in school systems and nonprofits. By utilizing the Carl D. Perkins CTE Improvement Act of 2006 (Perkins), career and technical education can be an effective approach for increasing access to computer science coursework as well as integrating computer science into existing curricula. In fact, Perkins funding is primarily used to provide computer science instruction for students in K-12. This grant can be used to expand computer science courses and to provide professional development for educators. To ensure that all children meet the challenging state academic standards outlined in Title I, Part A (Title I) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, the government provides financial assistance to local educational agencies (LEAs) and schools with a high number of students from low-income families. Moreover, the State Compensatory Education Program supports at-risk and educationally disadvantaged students through supplemental programs and services. These efforts help to narrow achievement gaps.
Next Steps
Once you have secured funding, your next step could be to decide how to proceed. Where should I allocate the funds? Put your worries aside; Rex K-12 can help you avoid the time-consuming task of finding qualified candidates to instruct your classes and building a curriculum that meets educational standards. When you partner with Rex K-12, you’ll work with industry professionals who continuously undergo professional development to keep up with the technological trends in an ever-changing business.
Rex K-12 offer students and teachers alike an unparalleled, turnkey computer science curriculum. Our dedicated team of experts is ready to teach any CS course or train educators on our award-winning platform. Those who enter our virtual CS lab will have access to more than a thousand hours of fun, as they work on fascinating projects that will make them employable in any career. Students who complete the program will gain advanced skills in computational thinking and problem solving. Once they become more comfortable with CS concepts, they’ll progressively transform into confident and competent coders. And just like a marathon, everyone can learn at their own pace. It is our guarantee that each student will reach the finish line, no matter how long it takes! At Rex K-12, we put our best foot forward for our clients through our unique offerings such as bilingual professionals, certified cybersecurity programs and summer camps. We have been consistently praised for our user-friendly platform and comprehensive curriculum. Features such as automatically graded assessments and courses designed to be taught by non-experts make it easy to bring world class computer science instruction to any workforce development organization or school. And if the need for help ever arises, count on us to give you our full support along the way.
Billions up for Grabs
An unprecedented $122 billion was allocated to the ARP Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ARP ESSER) last year. Just a portion of that can help a school expand the scope of its computer science education. In return, it will provide students access to better equipment, new or advanced computer science courses, more resources, upgraded technology, and ultimately a rewarding career. Let’s make sure they have the tools they need for success.